OEI Airspeeds
Not unlike flying single engine airplanes, proper airspeed control is critical to the successful operation of a multi-engine aircraft. There are, however, a few new airspeeds with which we need to be familiar. Some of these are:
- Vyse - Best rate of climb, OEI. Marked by blue line on airspeed indicator.
- Vxse - Best angle of climb, OEI
- Vsse - Safe, intentional OEI speed.
- Vmc - Minimum control speed with critical engine inop. Marked by red line on airspeed indicator.
- Vle - Vle is the maximum speed at which the landing gear may be EXTENDED (down and locked while flying around)
- Vlo - Vlo is the maximum speed at which the landing gear may be OPERATED
A couple of these bear additional discussion. One is Vyse, commonly referred to as "blue line". With one engine failed, you will want to establish the airspeed at Vyse (blue line) and maintain that as closely as possible.
Vmc is so important, it has its own page located here. In short, do NOT allow the airspeed to decay to Vmc or below with one engine inoperative.