Robinson R44

Note:This does not serve as a replacement for a POH. The information below is for informational purposes only. You must always reference your aircraft's POH to determine how to operate it safely.
You can download the Robinson R44 POH here.
- Dimensions: 83"W x 129"H x 459"L
- Rotor diameter: 33 feet
- 2 blade, semi-rigid, underslung, teetering main rotor system. Driven by V-belts.
- Engine R44 Raven I - O-540 - 225 BHP (5 minutes) / 205 BHP (max continuous)
- Engine R44 Raven II - IO-540 - 245 BHP (5 minutes) / 205 BHP (max continuous)
- Vne: 130 KIAS (below 2200 lbs) / 120 KIAS (above 2200 lbs)
- Vy - 55 KIAS
- Takeoff / climb - 60 KIAS
- Max range - 100 KIAS
- Autorotation airspeed: 70 KIAS
- Max Glide: 90 KIAS / 90% rotor RPM
- Min rate of descent: 55 KIAS / 90% rotor RPM
- Doors off max airspeed: 100 KIAS
Engine Limits
- Power-on Rotor RPM: 99-102% (Raven I) / 101-102% (Raven II)
- Power-off Rotor RPM: 90-108%
- Oil quantity: 7-9 quarts
- Oil max temp: 245F
- CHF max temp: 500F (yikes!)
- 14V electrical system / 70 amp alternator (Raven I) - 28V optional
- 28V electrical system / 70 amp alternator (Raven II)
- With Master and ALT switches off, tach receives power through bypass if Clutch engaged
Weight Limits
- Max gross weight: 2400 lbs (Raven I) / 2500 lbs (Raven II)
- Min gross weight: 1550 lbs (Raven I) / 1600 lbs (Raven II)
- Max per seat: 300 lb
- Max baggage: 50lb
- Min solo pilot + bags: 150 lb
- Basic empty weight: 1460 (Raven I) / 1510 (Raven II)
Operational Limits
- Max operating density altitude: 14,000 feet
- Max operating altitude: 9,000 AGL (allows landing within 5 minutes in case of fire)
- Solo only from right seat
- Low-G pushovers prohibited
- VFR day and night only
- Clutch light 7-8 seconds max (if longer, pull breaker and land)
Fuel Limits
- Main fuel tank: 30.5 (29.5 usable)
- Aux fuel tank: 17.2 (17 usable)
Carb Heat (Raven I)
- On below 18" manifold pressure
- On between -4-30C (25-86F)
- On to keep out of yellow arc on gauge