Nashville CFI
180° Accuracy Landings
- Executed by gliding with power off from given point on downwind leg to preselected landing spot
- Student to use flaps, slips, propeller, and airspeed to control eventual touchdown location
180° Accuracy Landing Howto
- Select a landing point (typically 1000 ft marker)
- On downwind, lower gear and complete landing checklist
- Place runway approximately halfway down the wing
- Abeam the touchdown spot, pull power to idle and pitch for 10 knots above normal approach speed
- Put in first notch of flaps abeam the numbers (or count to 3)
- Begin immediate, but somewhat slow constant turn towards the runway (base and final are semicircular)
- Use flaps, slips, propeller, etc to extend or lessen your glide to an aiming point before the touchdown spot
- Get airplane into ground effect near aiming spot and glide to selected touchdown spot for landing
Common Mistakes
- Failure to clear the area (including "short-approach" if towered airport)
- Failure to complete landing checklist before starting maneuver
- Failure to maintain airspeed
- Inability to judge gliding distance in different airplane configurations
- Inadequate judgment of affects of wind on glide
ACS Test Standards
- Positions on downwind not more than 1000 AGL
- Completes final airplane configuration
- Touches down at or within 200 ft beyond selected touchdown point